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life blood是什么意思

发布时间:2021-02-10 作者: 英语查

life blood 是什么意思


life:    n. (pl. lives) 1.生命,性命。 2.一生 ...
blood:    n. 1.血,血液;生命液。 2.血族,血统;种族;家族 ...


1.Yet , at the same time , tourists and business visitors are hong kong s life blood

2.Yet , at the same time , tourists and business visitors are hong kong s life blood
2 . 4不过,游客和商务访客的消费亦是香港的主要收入来源。

3.The second great helper will have the sign of a celtic cross with red lines ( representing female life blood ) between the arms of the cross
第二位伟大助手将会持有凯尔特十字架,在十字架两臂间有红线条(表现女性生命血液) 。

4.The mainstream of the corporate culture therefore becomes learning and innovation , allowing new ideas , new knowledge , and new technology as the life blood for full - scale development

5.As for firms and organisations , the kbe is pushing them to change from static productive units into dynamic learning organisations . the mainstream of the corporate culture therefore becomes learning and innovation , allowing new ideas , new knowledge , and new technology as the life blood for full - scale development

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